Peter og Pings rejse til Afrika

kr. 150,00

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“Peter and Ping’s travel to Africa” is a Danish vintage book with “Peter and Ping”. An illustrated children book in Danish Language.

“Peter og Pings rejse til Afrika” (Peter and Ping’s travel to Africa) is a Danish vintage book with “Peter and Ping”. An illustrated children book in Danish Language.

The book is described in words and pictures by Robert Storm Petersen (1882-1949) and Poul Carit Andersen (1910-1982).

The book is in fine vintage condition with no serious damages, stains etc. and only used few times by myself.

You get the actual shown book!

Book info:
– 1.edition, 1.printing.
– book cover: soft.
– writing: black and white.
– pages: 64.
– size: 227 mm x 135 mm.
– weight: ~ grams.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

Thanks for visiting!
Owie & Ole